Chapter 23 Relations and Functions -II Check Your Progress 23.1 Solutions maths senior secondary book 2 NIOS (maths class 12)
NIOS Senior Secondary Mathematics book 2 Module – VII: Relations and Functions Chapter – 23 Relations and Functions II Check Your Progress 23.1 solutions are given.
You should study the textbook lesson Relations and Functions very well.
You should also observe and practice all example problems given in the textbook.
You can observe the given solutions and try them in your own method.
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Relations and Functions – II
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Check Your Progress 23.1 solutions Relations and Functions – II NIOS Maths class 12 book 2
NIOS maths class 12 solutions Senior Secondary
Chapter 23
Relations and Functions- II
Check your Progress 23.1
Maths class 12 Relations and Functions 23.1 Problem 1 NIOS
Let R be relation on the set of all lines in a plane defined by L1 L2 belongs to R line L1 is parallel to L2. Show that R is an equivalent relation.

Maths class 12 Relations and Functions 23.1 Problem 2 NIOS
Show that the relation R on the set A points in a plane, given by R = {(P, Q) : Distance of the point P from the origin is same as the distance of the point Q from the origin} is an equivalent relation.
Maths class 12 Relations and Functions 23.1 Problem 3 NIOS
Solutions for NIOS maths 311 book 2 Chapter 23 Relations and Functions II Check your progress 23.1
Maths class 12 Relations and Functions 23.1 Problem 4 NIOS
Prove that the relation ‘is a factor of’ from R to R is reflexive and transitive but not symmetric.
Relations and Functions 23.1 maths class 12 NIOS Problem 5
If R and S are two equivalence relations on a set A then prove that R intersection S is also an equivalence relation.
Relations and Functions 23.1 maths class 12 NIOS Problem 6
Relations and Functions 23.1 maths class 12 NIOS
Note: Observe the solutions and try them in your own method.
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