Time Value of Money Chapter 4 Exercise 4A CA foundation maths solutions

Exercise 4E chapter 4 Time Value of Money C A Foundation Maths solution for some problems are given.
First you should the textbook lesson Time value of Money very well.
You should observe and practice all example problems and solutions which are given in the textbook.
You must observe the given below solutions and will try them in your own method.

CA foundation maths solutions 

Solutions exercise 4A Chapter 4 CA foundation maths

CA Foundation maths solutions

Chapter 4

Time Value of Money

Exercise 4A


1. S.I. on Rs. 3,500 for 3 years at 12% per annum is Rs.


P = Rs. 3,500, R = 12%, N = 3
S.I. = PNR/100
= 3,500 (12) (3)/100 = 1,260
Therefore, S.I. = Rs. !.260


2. P = Rs.5,000, R = 15%, T = 4 1/2 using I = PRT/100, I will be Rs.


P = Rs.5,000, R = 15, T = 4 1/2
I = PRT/100
= 5000 (15) (4.5) /100 = 3375
Therefore, I = Rs. 3.375


3.If P = Rs. 5000, T = 1, I = Rs. 300, R will be


P = Rs. 5000, T = 1, I = Rs. 300
I = PRT/ 100
300 = 5000 (R) (1) /100
R = 300/50 = 6
Therefore, R = 6%


4. If P = Rs. 4,500, A = Rs. 7,200 then Simple Interest. i.e. I will be Rs.


P = Rs.4,500, A = Rs. 7,200
A = P + I
7200 = 4500 + I
I = = 7200 – 4500 = 2700
Therefore, I = Rs. 2,700


5. P = Rs. 12,000, A = 16,500, T = 2 1/2 years, Rate percent per annum Simple interest will be


P = Rs. 12,000, A = 16,500, T = 2 1/2 years
I = A – P
= 16,500 – 12,000 = 4,500
I = Rs.4,500
I = PRT/100
4,500 = 12000 (R) (5)/ (2)100
R = 4,500/60(5) = 15
Therefore, R = 15%


6. P = Rs. 10,000, I = Rs. 2,500, R = 12 1/2%, S.I. The number of years T will be


P = Rs. 10,000, I = Rs. 2,500, R = 12 1/2%
I = PRT/100
2,500 = 10,000 (12.5) (T) /100
T = 25,000 (100)/ 125000 = 10/5 = 2
Therefore, T = 2 years


7. P = Rs. 8,500, A = 10,200, R = 12 1/2, S.I. T will be


P = Rs. 8,500, A = 10,200, R = 12 1/2
I = A – P
= 10200 – 8500 = 1700
I = Rs. 1,700
I = PRT/100
1,700 = 8,500 (12.5) (T)/ 100
T = 1700 (100)/8500 (12.5) = 1.6
Therefore, T = 1.6 years or 1 year 7 months (option)


8. The sum required to earn a monthly interest of Rs. 1200 at 18% per annum S.I. is Rs.


R = 18%, I = 1200 per month, T = 1/12
I = PRT/100
1200 = P (18) (1)/100 (12)
P = 1200 (1200)/18 = 80,000
Therefore, P = Rs. 80,000


9.The sum of money amount to Rs. 6,200 in 2 years and Rs. 7, 400 in 3 years. The principle and rate of interest are


A = Rs. 6,200, when T = 2 years
A = Rs. 7,400, when T = 3 years
A = P (1 + RT/100)
A = P (1 + 2R/100)
6,200 = P [(100 + 2R)/100] …… (1)
7,400 = P [(100 + 3R)/100] …… (2)
Divide (2) by (1), we get
74/62 = (100 + 3R)/ (100 + 2R)
7400 + 148 R = 6200 + 186 R
186 R – 148 R = 7400 – 6200
38 R = 1200
R = 1200/ 38 = 31.57
Therefore, R = 31.57%
Substitute value of R in (1), we get
6,200 = P [(100 + 2 (31.57)/100)]
P = Rs. 3800
Therefore, P = Rs. 3,800, R = 31.57%


10. A sum of money doubles itself in 10 years. The number of years it would triple itself is


A sum of money doubles itself in 10 years
Let p = 100, A = 200 in 10 years
I = 200 – 100 = 100
I = PRT/100
100 = 100 (R)(10)/100
R = 10
R = 10%
I = A – P = 300 – 100 = 200
I = PRT/100
200 = 100 (10) (T)/ 100
T = 20 years


11. If P = Rs.1000, R = 5% p.a. n = 4, what is amount and C.I. is


P = Rs. 1000, R = 5% p.a., n = 4
A = P (1 + R/100) ^n
A = 1000 (1 + 5/100) ^4
A = 1000 (121550625)
A = 1215.50
I = A – P = 1215.50 – 1000 = 215.50
Therefore, A = Rs. 1,215.50 and I = Rs. 215.50


12. Rs. 100 will become after 20 years at 5% p.a. compound interest amount of


P = 100, n = 20, R = 5%
A = P (1 + R/100) ^n
A = 100 (1 + 5/100) ^20
A = 265.33
Therefore A = 265.50


!3. The effective rate of interest corresponding to a normal rate 3% p.a. payable half yearly is


Interest is payable half yearly, so for a year interest is 2 times
Therefore n = 2
Effective rate of interest E = [(1 + i/n) ^n – 1] (100)
E = [(1 + 0.03/2) ^2 – 1] (100)
E = 3.0225
Therefore, E = 3.0225% p.a.


CA foundation maths solutions 

Note: You should observe the solution and will try them in your own way.

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