Chapter 12 Exercise CA foundation maths solution

Blood Relation CA foundation maths solutions for Exercise are given.

You should study the textbook lesson Blood Relation very well.

You should practice all examples which are given in the textbook.

You can observe the given below solutions and you will be try them in your own method.

Blood Relation Exercise CA foundation maths solutions

CA foundation maths solutions

Chapter 12

Blood Relation



1. A is B’s brother C is his A’s mother. D is C’ father. E is B’s son. How is D related to A?


is B’s brother C is his A’s mother. D is C’ father. E is B’s son
From the given information we will to write by flow diagram as follows. Circle indicates female.

So D is the grandfather of A.


2. A is B’s brother. C is A’s father. D is C’ sister and E is D’s mother. How is B related to E?


A is B’s brother. C is A’s father. D is C’ sister and E is D’s mother.
From the given information we will to write by flow diagram as follows. Circles indicates female.

Therefore, B is the grand daughter of E.


3. A is B’s sister. C is B’s mother. D is C’s father. E is D’s mother. Then how is A related to D?


A is B’s sister. C is B’s mother. D is C’s father. E is D’s mother.
From the given information we will to write by flow diagram as follows. Circles indicates female.

Therefore, A is the grand daughter of D.


4. A is the father of B. C is the daughter of B. D is the brother of B. E is the son of A. What is the relationship between C and E?


A is the father of B. C is the daughter of B. D is the brother of B. E is the son of A.
From the given information we will to write by flow diagram as follows. Circle indicates female.

Therefore, the relationship between C and E is Niece and Uncle.

5. If P is the husband of Q and R is the mother of S and Q. What is R to P?


P is the husband of Q and R is the mother of S and Q.
From the given information we will write by flow diagram as follows. Circles indicates female.

Therefore, R is mother in law of P.

6. P and Q are brothers. R and S are sisters. P’s son is S’s brother. How is Q related to R?


P and Q are brothers. R and S are sisters. P’s son is S’s brother
From the given information we will to write by flow diagram as follows. Circles indicates female.

Therefore, Q uncle of R.

7. X is the husband of Y. W is the daughter of X. Z is husband of W. N is the daughter of Z. What is the relationship of N to Y?


 X is the husband of Y. W is the daughter of X. Z is husband of W. N is the daughter of Z. 
From the given information we will to write by flow diagram as follows. Alphabet indicates female.


Therefore, N is grand daughter of Y.


8. A reads a book and find the name of the author familiar. The author B is the paternal uncle of C. C is the daughter of A. How is B related to A?


A reads a book and find the name of the author familiar. The author B is the paternal uncle of C. C is the daughter of A.
From the given information we will write by flow diagram as follows. Circle indicates female.


Therefore, B is brother of A.


9. A’s mother is sister of B and she has a daughter C who is 21 years old. How is B related to C?


A’s mother is sister of B and she has a daughter C who is 21 years old. 
From the information A and C are siblings and their mother is B’s sister.

Therefore, B is maternal uncle of C.


10. A is B’s brother. C is A’s mother. D is C’s father. F is A’s son. How is F related to D?


A is B’s brother. C is A’s mother. D is C’s father. F is A’s son.
From the given information we will write by flow diagram as follows. Alphabet indicates female.


Therefore, F is grand – grandson of D.


11. A is B’ s brother. C is A’s mother. D is C’s father E is B’s son. How is B related to D?


A is B’ s brother. C is A’s mother. D is C’s father E is B’s son.
From the given information we will write by flow diagram as follows. Alphabet indicates female.


Therefore, if we consider B as female, B is Granddaughter of D.

If we consider B as male, B is Grandson of D.


12. A is B’s brother. C is A’s mother. D is C’s father. F is A’s son. How is B related to F’s child?


A is B’s brother. C is A’s mother. D is C’s father. F is A’s son.
From the given information we will write by flow diagram as follows. Alphabet indicates female.


Therefore, B is Grandfather F’s child.


13. A is B’s daughter. B is C’s mother. D is C’s brother. How is D related to A?
A is B’s daughter. B is C’s mother. D is C’s brother.
From the given information we will write by flow diagram as follows. Circle indicates female.
Therefore, D is brother of A.
14. A is D’s brother. D is B’s father. B and C are sisters. How is C related to A
A is D’s brother. D is B’s father. B and C are sisters.
From the given information we will write by flow diagram as follows. Circle indicates female.
Therefore, C is niece of A.
15. A is B’s brother. C is A’s mother is C’s father. E is B’s son. How is D related to E?
A is B’s brother. C is A’s mother is C’s father. E is B’s son.
From the given information we will write by flow diagram as follows. Circle indicates female.
Therefore, D is the great grandfather of E.
16. X and Y are the childrens of A. A is the father of X but Y is not his son. How is Y related to A?
X and Y are the childrens of A. A is the father of X but Y is not his son.
From the given information we will write by flow diagram as follows. Circle indicates female.
Therefore, Y is the daughter A.

17. A is B’s brother. C is A’s mother. D is C’s father. E is B’s son. How is E related to A?
A is B’s brother. C is A’s mother. D is C’s father. E is B’s son.
From the given information we will write by flow diagram as follows. Circle indicates female.
Therefore, E is the nephew of A.
18. Based on the statements given below, find out who is the uncle of P?
i. K is the brother of J
ii. M is the sister of K
iii. P is the mother of N
iv. N is the daughter of J
Solution: K is the brother of J. M is the sister of K. P is the mother of N. N is the daughter of J.
From the given information we will write by flow diagram as follows. Circle indicates female.
Therefore, K is the uncle of P.
19. A and B are sisters. A is mother of D. B has a daughter C who is married to F. G is the husband of A. How is C related D?
A and B are sisters. A is mother of D. B has a daughter C who is married to F. G is the husband of A.
D and C are the daughters of A and B respectively.
From the given information we will write by flow diagram as follows. Circle indicates female.
Therefore, D and C are cousins.
20. R and S are brothers. X is the sister of Y and X is mother of R. What IS Y TO S?
R and S are brothers. X is the sister of Y and X is mother of R.
From the given information we will write by flow diagram as follows. Circle indicates female.
Therefore, Y is uncle of S.
21. A is B’s brother. C is A’s mother. D is C’s father. B and D’s granddaughter. E is sister of C. How is E related to B?
A is B’s brother. C is A’s mother. D is C’s father. B and D’s granddaughter. E is sister of C.
From the given information we will write by flow diagram as follows. Circle indicates female.
F 20
Therefore, E is aunt of B.
22. A is the son of B while B and C are sisters to one another. E is the mother of C. If D is the son of E. Which of the following statements is correct.
i. D is the maternal uncle of A
ii. E is the brother of B
iii. D is the cousin of A
iv. B and D are brothers.
A is the son of B while B and C are sisters to one another. E is the mother of C. If D is the son of E.
From the given information we will write by flow diagram as follows. Circle indicates female.
Therefore, D is the maternal uncle of A.
23. P is the father of T. T is the daughter of M. M is the daughter of K. What is P to K?
P is the father of T. T is the daughter of M. M is the daughter of K.
From the given information we will write by flow diagram as follows. Circle indicates female.
Therefore, P is the son-in-law of K.
24. A and B are brothers. E is the daughter of F. F is the wife of B. What is the relation of E to A?
A and B are brothers. E is the daughter of F. F is the wife of B.
From the given information we will write by flow diagram as follows. Circle indicates female.
Therefore, E is a niece of A.
25. M and F are a married couple. A and B are sisters. A is the sister of F. Who is B to M?
M and F are a married couple. A and B are sisters. A is the sister of F.
From the given information we will write by flow diagram as follows. Circle indicates female.
Therefore, B is sister-in-law of M.
26. If A is the mother of D. B is not the son of C. C is the father of D. D is the sister of B, then how is A related to B?
If A is the mother of D. B is not the son of C. C is the father of D. D is the sister of B.
From the given information we will write by flow diagram as follows. Circle indicates female.
Therefore, A is mother of B.
27. A and B are brother and sister respectively. C is A’s father. D is C’s sister and E is D’s mother. How is B related to E?
A and B are brother and sister respectively. C is A’s father. D is C’s sister and E is D’s mother.
From the given information we will write by flow diagram as follows. Circle indicates female.
Therefore, B is grand-daughter of E.
28. Q is the son of P. X is the daughter of Q. R is the aunty (Bua) of X and L is the son of R, then what is L to P?
Q is the son of P. X is the daughter of Q. R is the aunty (Bua) of X and L is the son of R.
From the given information we will write by flow diagram as follows. Circle indicates female.
Therefore, L is the grandson of P.


Solutions Blood Relation CA foundation maths

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Note : You should observe the solution and will be try them in your own method.

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